Thursday, May 26, 2011

Just a Few Things..

* Things are starting to fall into place
(however the outcome is leading to completely new territory)

*New opportunities have been set in front of me
(very excited but again it's a totally new direction)

*Re-evaluating where I'll be in five years
(have no freaking clue)

*Learning to let go and let God
(discovered I have control issues in that department)

*Not letting things get to me, I have no time for stupidity
(in all seriousness)

*Taking things from moment to moment
(days are too unpredictable)

*Going forward and holding on tight because honestly I'm scared to death....but thats the fun of it all right? :)


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

So Close.....

Im so close to my freedom from finals I can see it in the horizon!
Being that much closer to freedom means being that much closer to starting my very long reading list for the summer.
I couldn't be more excited! Sadly it's been months since I've read a book for pleasure and not for academic purposes.

Here is a glimpse at what Im up against:
1. Awakened P.C. Cast
2. City of Fallen Angels Cassandra Clare
3. Rooms James L. Rubart
4. Emma and the Vampires Jane Austen and Wayne Josephson
5. Dead Beautiful Yvonne Woon
6. Passion Lauren Kate
7. Graceling Christan Cashore
etc. etc. etc...

Barnes&Noble anyone?

Monday, May 2, 2011

Rainy Days and Mondays

Sadly I won't be celebrating my rainy afternoon with a good book and cozy sweat pants. No I'll be spending it getting some very needed studying out of the way to start my hell week off positively. But to make light of the situation I think a cup of chai tea should get me through it...